DotzlerMessage Board

Date: 01/19/03
From: Fabrice and Hélène Dotzler

Hi we are DOTZLER from France. We live in Strasbourg,near the German name is Fabrice,my wife Hélène,and we have two children Jawdan(5 years old) and Carla(1,5 months old !!!). We never imagined that there where so many Dotzler around the world ,and it pleases us.Hope to haer some news from you soon.

later . . .

Hi it's Fabrice Dotzler from strasbourg. Could it be possible to be appear in the list of the directory and I would like to know why there are so many Dotzlers in America ? My gran'ma is still alive,she was born in 1913 but she doesn't remember that anyone of her Family moved to the United States .

Date: 11/23/01
From: Jonathan Paul Dotzler

Well, who would have thought that there would be more Dotzlers out there? I finally decided to look you up on, and it gave me your website, which I thought was really interesting. My name is Jonathan Dotzler. My brother, Zachary Albert Dotzler (we're identical twins), and I went through our entire 16 years of life thinking that we were the only Dotzlers. We live with our mom, Martha Dianne Reed, and our step dad, Patrick Steven Reed. He's pretty cool, we like him, but don't have any intentions on getting adopted by him. We don't know why, but there just something about the isolation of Dotzler that makes us want to keep the name with us it's probably because we've never met any others. We don't know where our real dad is he left when we were three. His name is Steven Dotzler. Well, I don't know if there is any relation between us, but I am curious to find out so if you ever get the time, write me back, my email's pretty obvious. I hope to hear from you guys. Bye

Date: 6/27/01
From: John Koppold

Just wanted to say hello and have enjoyed what i have read so far.

Date: 8/4/01
From: Joe Dotzler

Hey there Dotzlers,

I couldn't believe my eyes when my search engine found a match for Dotzler!I didn't know there were so many of us.I figured I had relatives in Germany somewhere but I didn't know there were so many in the states.Well anyway,I'm currently living in Norfolk,VA.My mom,Joann and my brother,Jeff live in Deptford,NJ.My father Bernard lives in New York.I also have 4 uncles and aunts-Joe,John,Loretta,& Mary ann & 3 cousins-John jr.,Frankie & Bobby who live in N.Y. too.I gotta go now but I'll be looking foward to hearing from you.
Joe Dotzler

Date: 2/8/01
From: Al Dozler

In the Iowa Treasure's Dept., there is unclaimed property listed under:
Dennis D. Dotzler
326 Gracious
Mason City, IA 50401
If anybody knows his whereabouts, let him know. GO TO
Hope it's worth a million

Date: 1/5/01
From: Hank & Geri Dotzler

We have been doing geneology for 30 years now, and never get tired of finding new Dotzlers. My Grandpa, Franz Joseph Dotzler came from Sulzbach/Rosenberg, Germany around 1882?, we haven't found that info yet for sure, but have written a book that includes all the descendants.Let us hear from you.
Hank & Geri Dotzler, Minnesota

Date: 4/26/00
From: Phil and Judy Dotzler

Hi! Your web page of Dotzler's around the world is wonderful... My father-in-law, Frank Dotzler was always telling us family stories.. I wish he was alive to view the internet world!!!! It was his passion to talk about the Dotzlers and their past....He would have loved exploring the Dotzler world on the internet.. My husband and I live in Aitkin, Minnesota.. We have three boys, Chris, Neil, and Matthew.. If interested in more info about our Dotzler branch, please email me and I will try to answer whatever I can... Has anybody ever heard of the "White Horse Inn"? My father-in-law talked about it alot.. Apparently the Dotzlers owned the inn in Germany and they were the Dotzlers that we originated from...

Date: 1/29/00
From: Stephen J. Dotzler Jr

Hello all Dotzler's My Grandfather is William Dotzler Sr. from Aitkin Minn. His father was Godfrey married to Mamie Hogue. William married Virginia Yourzek. They moved to the Waterloo area in 1958.They have four children William Jr., Stephen, Joann and Mary. I'm looking forward to learning more about the Dotzler family. Steve

Date: 11/4/99
From: Keith Dotzler

Hey there!!!! I just did a yahoo search for the word "Dotzler"...just out of curiosity, and look what I found! I didn't know there were so many people with my last name!!! I'm the only one out of a family of 6 who's online, otherwise I'd tell them to visit this site. Oh well...E-mail me whenever you want. If you're big into family trees or stuff like that...I'm trying to locate my 2 half-sisters, Stephanie and Maresa(?spelling). They are probably married now. My dad never was too interested in having us meet. I guess his ex-wife really stuck it to him. Anyway, I think they were born in the 50's. If you can be of ANY help, please e-mail me right away. I don't think my half-sisters know me and my siblings exist...but I think they would be thrilled to meet us! Thank you for any help you give me. Bye for now!


Just me again. I forgot to tell you where I live! I live in Thompsontown,Pennsylvania. I'm originally from West Bend, Wisconsin. That's where the rest of my family is. My dad is Marvin Jr. My mother is Mary. My siblings...Teresa, Conrad, and Dawn. Bye again!

Date: 9/99
From: Clemens Dotzler
Home Page:

Hi Dotzler!
I am 17. I am living in Frankfurt with my sister and my parents. My grandma and my grandpa lived in Vilsbiburg near Landshut during the Second World War.

Bye Clemens

Date: 7/15/99
From: Wolff Dotzler

Hi,this is Wolff Dotzler.... just came across this site through ICQ....and...what do I say, I am amazed.

Well, you just found yourself another Dotzler, and I just wanted to drop by and say HI. To be honest...I can't believe this. I knew we had relatives over in the U.S., but the contact broke within the generation of my grandparents.

I am 27 y.o., living in Langen, close to Frankfurt, in Germany, my grandpas' name was Hans Dotzler, unfortunately he's not longer alive, my grandma's Hermine Dotzler...then of course I do have a dad whose name is Klaus-Juergen and a mom called Doris....last but not least a younger brother called Falk.

Well, I do hope to hear from you, must tell my grandma, she probably still has pictures, that I can scan in and send you, maybe we'll find the

so far

Dotzler Reunion 99; Harlan, IA

Date: 6/26/99

A Dotzler reunion took place at Potter's Park in Harlan, IA on Saturday, June 26, 1999. We have posted some photos of the event in our photo pages.

Date: 06/13/99
From: Marilyn Klein

I used to be a Dotzler by name, but by heart I still am. My parents are John and Elsie Dotzler. We lived near Emily MN and attended school in Crosby MN. My father is originally from Aitkin. His parents names were John Paul and Anna Dotzler. This is a very interesting site to read. I am new to this internet stuff and like so many others, I had to look for info on the Dotzler name. Great site.

Date: 5/22/99
From: Carl Dotlzer

Update: I dumped the GF of 4+ yrs. Single and looking, not that it matters hehehehe, I'm no sick puppy, hahahha. Just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm happier with out her (Karen Magyar).

Date: 5/2/99
From: Carl Dotzler

I have to apologize, my computer took a dive about a month ago. A lightning storm somehow got past my surge protector and wiped the low level file allocation table on my HD, which is formatted by Western Digital. I lost everything, and had to start from scratch. After nearly a month now, I almost had recovered all that I have lost in the data base. So yes I'm still alive and now back up and running. Keep the information coming and hope to see you someday. Till then bye for now.
Carl A. Dotzler

My new snail mail address to be posted on your web site is...2047 Seneca St. Buffalo,NY 14210 Anyone interested in calling me on the land line can reach me at (716) 822-8142.

Date: 5/1/99
From: George

i had typed in dotzler because my first girlfriends name was karen dotzler and we are still sorta friends after 35 years and i havent seen her in a couple of years. she is running a ceramics sales site somewhere on the web. she lives near denver, we are in sw wa. i think what youve done on youre site is too cool. god bless.

Dotzler Reunion

Saturday June 26, 1999
Potter's Park - Harlan, Iowa
11:30 to whenever - bring your own picnic

Date: 4/11/99
From: Tom Dotzler

Does any Dotzler have a copy of "The New World Book of Dotzlers"? If so please comment. I received a mailer re: this book and was curious since the person who signed the letter was not a Dotzler. For anyone interested in a Dotzler on a "less traveled" path through the "Black Forest of Life" see my home page:

Date: 3/29/99
From: Mike Dotzler

I have a little different information on the meaning of the Dotzler name. My grandfather, Joseph B. Dotzler, eldest son of (Joseph B. Sr. of Grafenricht, Bavaria) always told us that the name, Dotzler, meant (sleepy ole man)! He also told us that his father, was a goat herder from the mountains of Bavaria! My father Robert (Bob) Dotzler has a book called, The World Book of Dotzlers. It lists all the recorded Dotzlers throughout the world. There were 182 registered households in the United States, 33 in Minnesota, & 30 in Iowa. Germany has the most with 246 registered. I'll have to talk to my dad to find out where he ordered his book from . If anyone has any ??????? send me an E-mail with your ??????????? and I'll look it up in the book & tell you what I find!

Date: 3/23/99
From: Dan Dotzler

This is my first time writing. Here are a few facts about myself and family: I am 29 years old,I live in New Prague,MN. My dad and his family is from Aitkin, MN. My dad's name is Henry George. His dad's name was George Nicholas. George's dad's name was Franz Joseph Dotzler (he was the one who came from Sulzbach/Rosenburg Germany). Also, Chris Dotzler is my second cousin. His Grandfather (Frank Dotzler) was my dad's brother. I was interested in finding out what the name dotzler is derrived from and what it means (ex. taylor). If you have any ideas, let me know.

Date: 3/24/99
From: Verena Dotzler

Hi Dan,
I just received your email.
As far as I know, my father told me that, Dotzler is an old german word meaning "the one from the forest" or "the one working in the forest". However, nowaday you won´t find that in the dictionary. Do you know if any of your relatives came from Bavaria? Well, that´s where I´m from, but actually I live in Mexico.

Well, that was pretty much it.
C ya
Verena Dotzler

Date: 2/3/99
From: Verena Dotzler

Hi there all Dotzlers... I was wondering were all you guys come from... Does anyone have roots in Germany? C ya!

Date: 1/26/99
From: Dustin Dotzler

Hi, I am 21 and go to Florida State University. I live in Tallahassee, Florida. I saw this directory and thought that I would add my family to the list. My parents are Dan and Jean Dotzler but they live in New Boston, New Hampshire.

Date: 12/14/98
From: Ted Felber

I'm looking for family. My mother was a Dotzler. Her great-great grandfather was Leonard Dotzler originally from ilhoh, Germany. Any family from there??
Ted Felber

Date: 12/16/98
From: Al Dozler

Ted: Do you have a geographic sense where ILHOH, Germany is? It looks familiar! I've been working on the clan also, don't have a lot but continue to build. My Great Grandfather dropped the "T" from Dotzler making it Dozler. Presently, waiting for a new computer because my old one died but I tried to save all my stuff. I'm afraid to reload onto this one and waiting to do it on the new one. If you have any ifo you can provide me, I may be able to eventually help....Al Dozler in Oregon P.O. Box 82, Sublimity, OR 97385

Date: 10/30/98
From: Tom Dotzler

Hello again Dotzlers!
I am interested in hearing from any of the Aitkin, Minn branch, (from whence I sprang) as to how many Dotzlers are still in that area. I am also interested in tracking Dotzler involvement with the Arts and Music. On another note, i am afflicted with Charcote-Marie-Toothe syndrome ( a form of muscular dystrophy often undetected until 20-30 yrs of age). As this condition, resulting in neuro-muscular atrophy in the hands and feet is a genetic/inherited thing, I wonder if it has appeared in any other branches of the family...I would certainly appreciate hearing from anyone who knows about this, too. Thanks and my best to all of us! Tom Dotzler

A response from Eva Dotzler:

Concerning arts: My father was very talented in painting, so do I. I am studiing now in Freiburg ( South-west of Germany) grafics and design. Concerning the muscle illness: I don't know any case in my family. Greetings to all Dotzlers Eva

Date: 9/21/98
From: Alexander Dotzler

cool page, greeting from mexico...

Date: 7/16/98
From: Patricia Dotzler

Hi, I'm starting a prayer circle around the world on the airwaves for our dear sweet cousin Frank (son of Barb Dotzler Koppold). He is having surgery 7-22 for a benign brain tumor that's pressing on his optic nerve. Let's all join hands and pray for skill, steady hands, and success of his surgeons, and a speedy recovery. And say an extra prayer for strength, faith and calm for all who love Frank. Also please include my friend Harry who just had part of his liver removed due to cancer. Both of these men are two of the most sensitive loving people I know. Please send them both lots of green healing light and love. Add your own special intentions and pass this on to everyone you have an email address for, and send a copy to me. Thanks and God bless you all.

Date: 6/29/98
From: Rick Dotzler

For your information, the Dotzler family reunion held in Harlan, IA on June 20, 1998 was a great success. Although I was not able to attend, I am told that 93 Dotzlers made the trip. If any one that attended has any good pictures, send them our way and I will post them here.

Date: 6/18/98
From: Hans Joseph (H.J.) Dotzler

Just bought this computer and naturally checking out the Dotzler name. My Father was born in Munich in 1901 and my Mother in Ost Prussia in 1903. Both deceased. I was born in Rochester NY and now live in Hunbtsville, TX. I have one brother (Gerhardt ) who lives in Sunnyvale CA., two son Rocky and Gary who live in Tucson, AZ and Hillsboro,OR. My known family history is very limited, but I am very interested in the name, history, etc. If you would care to correspond please feel free, anytime. H.J.

Date: 6/25/98
From: Mike Dotzler

I wish I could of made it to the Dotzler reunion in Harlan last week. I wanted to come but I had 2 other things going on that day. I'm active in the Knights of Columbus here in Boone, & we had our annual Steak Fry that nite. my youngest daughter also had a softball game that afternoon @ 2:00, and All-Star practice the next day. I'd like to keep in touch with you all by e-mail. Take care & keep in touch! Mike

Date: 6/8/98
From: Al Dozler

Just got back from visiting Ray Dotzler in Omaha. His Great Grand Mother and My Great Grand Father were Sister and Brother. We are cousins but were not sure which ones and how many removed. Maybe some of the others can let me know. Keep up the good work on the newsletter. it's always interesting. Al Dozler from Oregon (no "t") I think it got lost in the Atlantic Ocean.

Date: 5/25/98
From: Rick and Tina Dotzler

Welcome to the newly redesigned web site!

We hope that you like the new look. Please take a moment to look around and drop us a note using the E-mail form. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

Send us your pictures!

We need your pictures for the new photo page. You can e-mail them to us, send them on disk, or mail photographs to us. If you will be using US mail, please e-mail us and we will give you our address. Your photos will be returned.

Date: 6/5/98
From: Asa Dotzler

Asa Dotzler here. I'm in Austin, Texas. I was born in 1974 to Thomas and Margaret Dotzler. I work for an international market research firm specializing in high technology industries. My e-mail address is (you have it posted as which belongs to someone else). I look foreward to seeing the Dotzlers of the World page growing. If you would like any help with the sight, I have some experience, a little space and a few spare minutes every once in a while. Keep up the good work.

Date: 5/30/98
From: Brian Dotzler

Hello Dotzlers
I'm from Boone. My dad Mike Dotzler was from Defiance. That is 15 miles from Harlan. Well if ya want any history on the Dotzlers ask him. He knows a crap load even about all the Dotzlers in Germany, too. His e-mail is //deleted//. Just say his son gave you the e-mail address. I will try to get ya a pic of us. I will send the message on to other Dotzlers and try to get the page to grow. Thanks alot.
P.S. Make sure to e-mail my dad....

Date: 5/27/98
From: Eva Dotzler

Hello all Dotzlers!
Some short informations about me: I come from Landshut in Bavaria, in Germany, 22 years old, studiing in Freiburg im Breisgau. And I am interested in having contact with other Dotzlers, where they come from... Does anybody knows something about the history of the name Dotzler? Now greetings to all! Eva

Date: 5/18/98
From: Patricia Dotzler

Subject: Dotzler Reunion

There will be a Dotzler reunion at Potter's Park in Harlan Iowa on Saturday June 20th from noon to whenever. Everyone is bringing their own picnic, balls, toys, chairs, blankets, cameras, and attitudes for fun times. Everyone is welcome.

Date: 5/5/98
From: Tom Dotzler (work) (home)

Hey I'm a Dotzler too! My name is Tom Dotzler, (Thomas P Dotzler) born 1944 in Crosyb-Ironton Minnesota to parents Thomas N and Bertha Dotzler (both deceased). My Grandfathers name was Joseph and I believe his brother was named John...(they lived in Aitkin Minn. at one time and perhaps John was Chris Dotzler's Greatgrandfather. I think my Greatgrandfather's name was John, also...although he was referred to by my elders as "Grandpa-on-the-farm". I believe the "farm" was either in Aitkin or Hibbing Minn. I live on the banks of Lake Jordan just north of Montgomery, Alabama although I grew up in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. I was a musician for many years, then change professions to become a decorative art restorationist. Currently I am the facilities manager at the Alabama State Capitol buiilding. I have two Dotzler children, Asa, who found this site and submitted e-mail, and Elizabeth They are 22 and 20 years old, respectively. He now resides in Austin, TX, She, in Berkeley, CA. We pronounce it "dahtslur" When I was traveling in Germany back in the music days I rode around near Frankfort with a native of the area who said there was a brewery town in the Black Hills called Dotzlar and that is where he said our name comes from. My schedule did not permit me to visit the place.....anyone been there? All Dotzlers.....please feel free to e-mail me. Tom

Date: 4/30/98
From: Ian Dotzler Walker

I just thought I would add a bit more info to your site. My name is Ian Walker, and I am Geir Dotzler's cousin. My mother is Aase Dotzler Walker. Dotzler is my middle name, so I don't go by it too often. I'm 26 yrs old and am currently on secondment (exile) in Oulu, Northern Finland with Nokia Telecommunications, although I am originally from London UK. I'm not aware of any other Dotzlers in Finland, however I'm only 3 weeks into a years contract (maybe more)and very single, so who knows in a couple of years there could be a whole colony of little Dotzlers growing up in the frozen wastelands of the north!! Hmm maybe not!! It's nice to know that the UK/Norway branch of the clan are not as alone as I'd always thought. Best Regards Ian

Date: 4/1/98
From: Al Dozler

I'm a Dotzler without the "T" In about May 1997, I found a Geir Dotzler in Norway, however his real last name is Taule. He had changed his last name to Dotzler because that was his Mother, Siri's maiden name. Then in November I found a Assew Dotzler Walker in Essex, England. After a few e-mails, I found she was born in Norway and she was a Sister to Siri. Rather small world. She is checking on her ancestory because way back, oneof here Great Greats, (didn't remember which one) was named Micheal. They were from around Munich. Germany. Also, one of her Great Uncles was a famous artist who had a dedicated gallary in Munich Before WWII. From what I've found, My GGG- Grandfather was Michael Dotzler and GG-Grandfather was Martin but at this time I iknow of no Brothers and Sisters to Martin. If anybody can help me tie some of this together I think it would be interesting. In the meantime, I'll do some more research and occasionally post my findings here on Rick's page. Al Dozler, P.O. Box 82, Sublimity, Or 97385

Date: 3/17/98
From: Paul and Julie Dotzler

Hi We are Dotzlers too. My husband Paul is origionally from Defiance Iowa. His parents are Raymond & Deloris Dotzler. Raymond has 3 brothers-Bob, Donny, & Kenny(Deceased). His sister is Grace also deceased. Raymonds parents are Joseph & Leona. Joseph's dad was also named Joseph & I think her name was Adeline. That's about all I know off the top of my head. Paul & I (Julie Stratman Dotzler) have been married 10 years and have 7 children. Steven 11, Josh 10, Amanda 7 (all adopted) Our biological children are Drew 8, Ashley 6, Jaymond 5, & Micah 18 mo. We live in rural Bennington, Ne. Paul is a Graphic artist. Paul has 4 brothers-Joe, Ray jr., Ron, & Dave. His sisters are Lois Cromwell (deceased), Mary Bieker who married Art Bieker of Defiance, & Beth Connor who married Bruce Connor also from Defiance. Let us know if we are connected to anyone. We are using my parents E-mail address until we get our own. I'll send you the new address when I get it.--Hopefully!

Date: 3/17/98
From: Chris Dotzler

Hi! My name is Chris Dotzler. I live in Aitkin, MN. My address is 407 1st ST NM Aitkin, MN 56431. I am 26 years of age, soon to be 27. I am a sign maker in Minnesota. I enjoy learning more about my family. My great-grandfathers name was John. He and his brothers settled in Aitkin, MN. If you or another Dotzler would like to talk, please e-mail me at or write me at Chris Dotzler 407 1st ST NW Aitkin, MN.

Date: 3/19/98
From: Al Dozler

(responses to Chris Dotzler's e-mail of 3/17/98)

Hi Chris: Are you any relation to Ray Dotzler in Omaha? I will be visiting Ray in late May. His Great Grandmother and My Great Grandfather were Sister and Brother. When my GGrandfather came from Germany, he dropped the "T" from Dotzler for some reason so that's how I became Dozler. We are related somehow bevcause their are not that many how ever Germany has a few but many of them have losrt contact or records and do not know.. I communicate with a Assew Dotzler Walker in England. She was born in Norway but he G Grandfather comes from the same area as my GGF so we thjink they may have been 1st cousins. She is investigating some old records. If you have any info you can share, send it to me and maybe I can tie somethin together. Quite a few in NY & NJ area also. Thanks for the comback and looking forward to hearing from you again....Al Dozler, P.O. Box 82, Sublimity, OR 97385 (503)769-5317

later. . .

Absolutely amazing........I got a letter from Ray today. we are going to NE in late may and I wrote him and warned him I was coming. Plan to visit with him. His GGrandmother and my GGrandfather were Sister/Brother so we are related but way out there someplace. great to hear from you and this will give me a little mopre info about your part of the clan......Write again soon Al Dozler

Date: 7/15/97
From: Norm Dotzler

"Well" what a surprise it was to see how many Dotzlers there are around the US. I figured there where some scattered througout, but not as many. My name is Norman E. Dotzler Jr. My wife's name is Cathy. I was born in 1956 in Buffalo, NY. I have 3 children and currently live in Boston, NY. My parents are Norman & Peggy Dotzler of Hamburg, NY. I had 4 sisters all younger then I. My father had 7 brothers and 5 sisters and they were all born in Buffalo, NY. His parents name were Charles and Florence Dotzler. I Look forward to hearing from you Rick, Tina and Zach and many others.

Date: 7/8/97
From: Geir Dotzler

Hello. My name is Geir Dotzler, and I live near Oslo, Norway.

I was surprised and glad to see the Dotzlers around the world home pages. I knew there were a few Dotzlers in Germany, but apart from that, I thougt we were alone in the world. My wife is Anne-Karine Dotzler, and we have two kids, Georg (2 ½) and Rikard (10 months). My mothers father , Olaf Dotzler, had german parents, but lived in Bergen, Norway most of his life. He had two daughters, Siri and Aase. Aase married and moved to London, and Siri (my mother) stayed in Norway. I have two brothers, but I am the only one to take Dotzler as the last name. That means that there are only four Dotzlers in Norway, and that is my little family, as mentioned above.

Best regards from Geir Dotzler
By the way, we pronounce it "Dot-zler" with the cot-sound.

Date: 2/15/97
From: Asa Dotzler

Hi there fellow Dotzlers. My name is Asa Geraldo Dotzler and I live on Lake Jordan, Alabama. I don't know much about the family history but here's what I know. My father is Thomas Paul Dotzler. He is the son of Tom and Bee Dotzler who moved from Minnesota to Idaho and then Washington state.

Date: 2/97
From: Robert John (Bob) Dotzler

I think we pronounce it "dotz-zler." I'm from the east coast wing---largely centered in New York. I live in Arlington Virginia but was born in Brooklyn NY and grew up on Long Island. My father was John (b. 1899) my grandfather was also John (b. 1862) and my great grandfather was Adam,(b.circa 1826) in Germany arriving in US circa 1845. Adam enlisted on Union side in 1861 and reenlisted at the end of war with his two elder sons his death certificate from pension file at US Archives say he died in Milwaukee in 1872 in Prison No.8, a suicide. Does anyone from the North Central wing know of Adam? I'd be interested to hear.

Date: 2/28/97
From: William A. Dotzler Jr. (Bill)

I enjoyed very much finding out about the Dotzler Internet site and will be adding to it when I get some spare time. I am a newly elected Democratic Representative to the Iowa House. I represent 30,000 Iowans from Black Hawk County (Waterloo) Iowa. So far it has been a great challenge and a great honor to represent Iowa and the Dotzler name. My Dads (Bill Sr.) family is from Akin Minn. & we moved to Waterloo Iowa in 1958. Since that time I have had many people ask me if I am related to the few scattered other Dotzlers in Iowa and I respond we are all related in some way. I will be setting up my own home page for my office and have a second E-mail address at my Waterloo residence in the future. Please feel free to contact me at anytime at the Iowa Legislature.

Date: 4/29/97
From: Al Dozler

(Here are two e-mails from Al)

Rick: I live in Oregon. Been to Defiance about 12 yrs ago and visited with Ray Dotzler. My Great Grandfather George came from Germany and somewhere back in the old days, our name was changed from DOTZLER to DOZLER. I've been working on the Family tree and there are some other DOZLERs doing the same...

My G Grand Father was George Dozler Sr., born in Grafenrecht Germany 2/2/1840. He died in Templeton IA, 6/1917. Somewhere back in Germany and for what reason I don't know, they dropped the "T" to get DOZLER. I am 58 and when I was 17 my Grand Father talked about this and the DOTZLER's and mentioned being Cousins. I noticed in you HP you mentioned your G Grand Father settled in Difiance. IA. We stopped there about 12 years ago and visited with Ray Dotzler. He came out here a couple of years later and visited us. I have a Cousin, who I've never met in Albion NE who is sending me a copy of the Dozler/Dotzler family book and she has recorded when this name change took effect and where. I don't know if they know why but that's water under the bridge anyway. I have gotten more interested in genealogy and probably because I'm getting older but If you have any information you could share, especially from the old counrty, I'd certainly appreciate it. I have a program clled Family Tree Maker and it seems to be a very popular genealogy tool. At the same time, I will have some info that might be of value to your family history. However Iwon't have it until I get the book. Right now I only go back to 1840 but the book supposidly goes back another 4 or 5 generations. I also have been making contact with DOTZLERS in Germany throught the Internet except they answer me in German so it's hard to figure out sometimes. I just bought a translator and waiting for the Germany chip to arrive, maybe that will help.

My great grand father George moved from Germany to America in 1884. For some reason, he dropped the "T" from his name, thus it became Dozler. His Father was Martin Dotzler and and Mother was Anna Barbar Beer, b: 8/6/1810 in Gullmunz Germany. Her Father and Mother were Georg Beer and Magdelena Sharl. Martin and Anna probably were living in or around Grafenrecht, Bavaria, Germany. George had 2 brothers and 3 sisters, he was the oldest b:2/2/1840 d:6/17/197 in Templeton, Iowa. The next was Anna b:2/14/1844 d: unkn, then Leonhard B:5/24/1845 d: 9/11/1847 at 2 yrs old. then Johan (Martin) b: 11/14/1846, d: unkn. Then Barbara b: 12/15/1848 d: 4/10/1869 at 21 yrs old. and then finally Rosina b: 9/18/1850, d: unkn. Rosina had a boy Josef b: 8/30/1869. I'm trying to trace the family tree and was hoping you had some history on your side of the nest. There is little doubt there is a connection! I would appreciate any info you could supply me to fill some gaps or simply expand branches. If you do, please send anything you feel interesting.

Date: 2/14/97
From: Carl Dotzler


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